Thursday, 15 September 2011

Why does my car shake when going above 70 mph.?

My car is a 94 Nissan Quest. I recently had new shock absorbers (they were dead) installed for the front and the rear. I also put two new tires for the front and also did wheel alignment. I also did the 6,000 mile recommended engine maintenace and i also changed the tranny fluid. My mechanic suggested that i get new engine mounts. Could that be the problem? When i get to 70 mph my car shakes from the front all the way towards the rear. The shaking also seems to go in cylces. Like 2 seconds it shakes and then it lessens and then it starts shaking again.
Why does my car shake when going above 70 mph.?
Could be a number of things.

First thing to do is figure out whether it鈥檚 being caused by the driveline or by the suspension. Since you already suspect the motor mounts (yes it could be them), drive the car up to 70mph and put it in neutral. Does the vibration go away? If it does, then the problem is likely related to the driveline. It could be CV joints, motor mounts, etc. If the vibration doesn鈥檛 go away, it is likely in the suspension. It could be a broken spring, tire pressure, grabbing/wrapped brake rotor, wheel bearing, etc.
Why does my car shake when going above 70 mph.?
Loose wheel bearings. My pontiac used to do that until I had the bearings replaced on the front. The steering wheel would shake violently when I hit about 70 mph.
or you need your wheels balanced
Had your front tires, or all of them, balanced lately? If not, it might help. Somebody mentioned wheel bearings. If you have never had them re-greased, they might be dry. Or loose!
Engine mounts or bad axle joints.

Put it on a flat parking lot, drive slowly with your window down so you can hear and turn the steering wheel full Left and then back to full Right. If you hear a clicking noise then the axles are bad, if not, probably the mounts.
I did not hear anything about speed balancing the tire. I mean all four.
Need to have all 4 tires balanced. proper inflation checked.
If you can drive into the shimmy it is wheel balance, and no a wheel balance has to be asked for, it costs extra--strange they didn't ask u when you bought the tires.